+81-547-38-2141Reception time: 8:00 to 17:00 (weekdays)
I want to sort and debark logs
Sorting logs according to diameter and straightness, peeling off the bark helps to increase the operation rate of the next process machine and reduce problems.
Leave the planning to us such as for new production line, existing line expansion, a single machine and factory overall layout.
I want to improve the volume of production
To realize better quality of sawing and reduce the burden of saw doctors, we established a sawmill support department, which give us an opportunity to study sawing process on a daily basis.
We offer a wide range of kiln dryers such as high-temperature, medium-temperature dryers as well as vacuum dryers.
In particular, vacuum type allows flat timber to dry better and drying in a shorter period of time brings outstanding effects in suppressing heat deterioration of wood.
I want to cut materials other than wood
Please feel free to consult with us about cutting other than wood, such as resin, concrete panels, corrugated carton, etc.
Here are some examples of our efforts to improve the production volume, rationalize and save manpower of saw mills.